Back to School

It's that time of year again! Summer is ending and we are starting a newschool year.
As my oldest child embarks on her very first year of school, I am finding myself realizing that times have certainly changed since I was in school.


Classrooms are full of technology: smart boards, laptops, Chromebooks, tablets, etc. Let's face it, technology is not going anywhere, and it is something our children will have to master to succeed. What consequences are there for this additional tech? Well, dry eye is more likely when staring at a screen. We don't blink as often or as completely when looking at screens.There are also a lot of muscles used to keep your eyes focused up close. The 20/20/20 Rule will help reduce dry eye and strain from looking atscreens. For every 20 minutes of screen time, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds. These quick breaks help to lubricate your eyes and to relax those muscles.


When we are using a screen, we do not use our eyes in the same manner. This means that added tech on a daily basis can interfere with our natural vision development. Over time we learn how to use our eyes correctly and since we are not using our eyes in the same way as when we read a traditional book, we are finding a number of children are missing some very important visual skills.
Going into the new school year please be on the lookout for symptoms thathigher level visual skills are underdeveloped. Headaches (especially afterreading), blinking frequently, rubbing eyes, skipping or repeating lines, andpoor reading comprehension are at the top of the list. If your student isbehind in school, there could be a vision problem (even if they have 20/20vision).


Nora Conway, OD

You can find a printable handout on screen time HERESuccess Story

Grace as Goldilocks at Idlewild with Dr. Conway's daughters. |  | We are so excited to introduce to you one of our recent graduates, Grace.


Her mom said that Grace was "having trouble with reading, fatigue, blurryand double vision. Vision Therapy has improved her vision (no more doublevision!) lessened her fatigue and given her more confidence. It has helpedher social skills and improved her work ethic and self-reliance.It has been a great experience and as her mom I am so proud of her!!"
Grace shared that before Vision Therapy she was struggling with being tired, focusing, and double vision. "Vision Therapy helped with these problems and helped me concentrate better. I feel I have been in a better mood and have had less headaches and zoning out less."

Everyone at KVDC is very proud of Grace’s achievement! Grace worked so hard and it really paid off. We got the opportunity to really watch her change from shy and unsure of herself to more outgoing and confident.
Grace, you are going to do great things!Patient Spotlight | 

We are delighted to share this patient spotlight with all of you! Leo came to ouroffice having trouble with all of his fine and gross motor skills (poor handwriting, poor hand eye coordination, trouble catching a ball, having trouble judging distances), keeping eyecontact, reading, and sports.


Leo often gave us new challenges, but he worked so hard during his Vision Therapy and he left our office making HUGE improvements.

His mom shared that since doing Vision Therapy "he is leveling up in reading,asking to play sports and games, and even helping out on the farm! He hasblossomed into a wonderful young man thanks to Vision Therapy!"
We are so proud of all you have accomplished, Leo!If you or your child would like to be featured in an upcoming newsletter, please email an update to

 | Thank you!!


We wanted to take a moment to thank an amazing local business- The Meadows. Not only do they have delicious custand, but they have generously sponsored our VT patients the last 3 summers. Each summer we make a Bingo board with summer activities that include reading, playing outside, showing off their VT skills, etc. If you complete the whole board, you get a gift certficate to The Meadows! So far was have 13 winners! Thank you for your generosity!